Saturday, November 11, 2017

How to Bind Easy and Simple Long Hair (With Image)

How to Bind Easy and Simple Long Hair (With Image)

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Having a healthy long hair is one of most women’s wishes. Because in addition to looking more feminine, long hair is easily formed and styled in various ways either braided, ponytail or bun.

Long hair styling is also very useful for you who are bored with the look of decomposed hair or just in any tie. Long hair is beautifully styled to add elegance, especially if it matches the hairstyle, clothes worn and attended event.

This time '' will share step-step tutorial how to set long hair that is suitable for formal events such as wedding invitations, applications, gala dinner and other or casual events that do not require a lot of accessories are also simple so not difficult but still look stand out and charming .

How to Bind Long Hair Easy and Simple

For those of you who want a neat hairstyle for a formal event but do not look stiff, then you can choose one among the hairstyling tutorials we will share this. The fun thing again, this styling style is not only suitable for formal events, if you want to apply it when the way to the mall or nge-date is still very relevant.
For the first hair styling tutorial is,

How To :
  • Take two parts from the front side of your hair. unite then tie back using rubber and turn it into the slit between the left and right hair pigtails.
  •  Divide your two hairs according to the rest of the dangling hair pigtails on the initial cradle.
  •  Braids until they run out into two parts of hair. bunch by using a small rubber. Do not forget to put a little hair on the front near the face.
  •  Pull the right part of hair that has been braided to the left and then the clasp.
  •  Do also on the left hair that has been braided to the right.
  •  Done. Add hairspray if necessary.

How To :
  • Take 3/4 of the hair part or it can also be measured from the start of the meeting between the temple and forehead and pulled back.
  • Tie or clamp each part of the hair a lot and a little part to facilitate the division.
  • Remove the rubber or tongs, braid the hair part of the lot until it runs out to the end. Tie with rubber.
  • Remove the rubber or tongs, braids the hair part a little until the end. Tie with rubber.
  • Spin the big braids from the tip to the base.
  • Pinch braids that have been rotated, tidy and make sure not loose.
  • Place the small braid onto the big braid that has been rotated.
  • Rotate and insert the remaining small braids into the inside of the large braid.
  • Add accessories such as a large clamp on the left side to keep the tidiness and add to the beautiful hairdo.

How To :
  •  For the three hairs, a large braid down at the end of the hair towards the right side. tie with rubber.
  • Turn the braid to the opposite direction (left).
  • The hair clip at the end of the braid (the part tied with rubber) is hidden behind the hair, let the rest of the braid hair out.
  • Pull the remaining hairs off, trim.
  • Put remaining braided hair into the other hair in secret, then clasps.
  • You can stop at this stage if you like a tidy hairstyle but if you want a slightly “messy” look then go to the next stage.
  • Pull a little side of the hair but do not get out of the braid or pigtails. repeat on the other side.
  • Pull a little hair on the braids to look a little loose but do not get out of braids or pigtails.
  • Done, you get a beautiful messy look.

How To :
  • Take 3/4 of the hair part or it can also be measured from the start of the meeting between the temple and forehead and pulled back.
  • Tie with rubber both parts of the hair either more or less.
  • Tie both parts of the hair like tying a knot. Arranged in such a way that the middle part is more bulging.
  • tie back the rest of the hair that is still dangling the same way, this time use the hand to separate the bond so that the center of the hair that is tied more volume.
  • Turn the rest of the hair down to the bottom and hide it inside the hair roll.
  • You can stop at this stage if you like a neat hairstyle but if you want a slightly noticeable “messy” order then go to the next stage.
  • Pull a little side of the hair but do not get out of the braid or pigtails. Completed, you get an elegant messy look and can apply either formal or casual events.

How To :
  • Take the top hair or measured from the hair all over the forehead to the back is the hair to be taken.
  • Tie the hair with rubber.
  • take the left side of the hair that is not tied with rubber and braid until it feels quite parallel to the first hair ties.
  • Hair clasp braided and tied so as not to loose.
  • Repeat the hair braid with the side or the opposite (right) to parallel. Tie the two parts of the braided hair with rubber.
  • Rotate parts that have been braided and put together with the previous rubber to the inside.
  • You can pull the hairs a bit by using the edge of the comb to make it look a bit messy.
  • Do not forget your hairdressing by using curls for the bottom of the hair. finished, your long hair will look more beautiful and also graceful on this hairstyle.

How To :
  • Take the top hair or measured from the hair all over the forehead to the back is the hair to be taken. Tie the hair with rubber and turn it in the hair.
  • Take the left part of the hair that is not tied with rubber and then for the two, hold it by hand to keep the hair separate while the tip of the hair is tied with rubber.
  • Rotate the left side of the hair to the inside (the state is still tied with rubber and separated by hand).
  • Pull the hair into the opposite (right) and then clip.
  • Divide the two remaining parts of the hair, then braid both sides to the ends of the hair, tied with rubber.
  • Rotate large braids in the opposite direction (left to right and right to left).
  • Put the hair tip to the top of the hair, then clasp.
  • Done. Hairdo to keep it neat and clasp is not loose.

How To :
  • For the three parts of the hair, the middle part is the most then tied the middle part with rubber.
  • Take the left side of the hair, widen or stretch a little distance between the hair to cover the rubber that tied the middle of the hair.
  • roll the left side of the hair into the center as shown in the picture. Put the remaining hairs that have been rolled into the inside of the hair then into the pigtails.
  • take the right part of the hair, stretch.
  • Do the same thing as the previous hair part.
  • Hairdo by using the tip of the comb to look more messy. done.

How To :
  • First For two more hairs. Tie the right side of the hair with rubber.
  • take the left side of the hair, scroll sideways as shown.
  • Trim the hair to cover the middle and rubber and then tied kembvali using rubber.
  • Pull up the top part of the hair, fancied to get out of a ponytail or scroll to create a messy impression. done.

How To :
  • First of all for the top three hairs. then the third pigtail hair with rubber.
  • in the middle, turn the hair that has been tied to the inside.
  • Repeat on the left and right. turn to the inside.
  • on the right, for the two hairs, hold it by hand and tie it with the rubber of the tip of the hair without removing the hand that separates the hair.
  • turn the hair into the inside to look like the picture.
  • pull the hair part that has been rotated earlier to the opposite section and then clasp with funny tongs.
  • hair order looks more fluffy and cluttered with the use of a pointed hand or a pointed edge of the comb.

How To :
  • Divide the two left and right side faces near the face. roll the two sis hair up to the tip.
  • Roll the tip to round and hang on the center of the hair or as a picture.
  • Take the remaining hair that hung the left and then roll up to the ends of the hair, tied with rubber.
  • Put the hair that has been rolled into the opposite and then the clasp, hide at the bottom of hair that has been arranged before.
  • Repeat the work on the part of hair that decomposes on the other side.
  • Hairdo with hand or comb, Finish.

How To :
  • Take 3/4 of the hair part, separated by 1/4 other parts.
  • Tie both parts of the hair like tying a knot.
  • tie back the rest of the hair that is still dangling the same way.
  • Turn the rest of the hair down to the bottom, tighten the knot and fish using rubber.
  • hide the rest of the hair inside the hair roll. Pinch.
  • You can stop at this stage if you like a neat hairstyle but if you want a slightly messy look then use your fingers or the ends of the comb by pulling your hair a bit.

How To :
  • First of all, tie the top of the hair with rubber, leave the bottom of the hair just as in the example image.
  • For the remaining two hairs, clasps so as not to re-unite.
  • Make a hole in the hair ties, can use the tip of the comb or the aid of tools as in the picture.
  • Put the remaining hair in the opposite direction that has been drilled (left).
  • Repeat the work on remaining left-handed hair into a hole made in the opposite direction.
  • Pull the hair that is ponytailed in the middle, enter the remaining hair arrangement on the hole through the back. A little pull for a tight hairdo.
  • Make a little messy hair by using the tip of the comb or fingers. Done.

bonus in the form of inspiration how to style hair by using accessories in the form of bond or rubber with flower decoration that is in like Bohemian style Without looking too much.

You can apply it to your long hair and look elegant also beautiful, hair style is suitable to apply if you are doing shooting sessions such as pre-wedding.

You just wear the flower hair bundle in a creative and coherent way with the clothes you will wear.
In addition to rubber, can also use a kind of flower crown or crown that will add to your appearance more graceful.

Here are some examples.

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