Monday, November 20, 2017

5 Food Ingredients That Can Slow The Aging Process

5 Food Ingredients That Can Slow The Aging Process

Aging is a natural process that occurs in humans. But sooner or later the process depends on various factors. Food is one of them. According to nutritionist Melanie Mcgrice of Australia, as quoted from the page Country Living on Thursday (9/11/17), some foods are efficacious to slow the aging process.

Here are 5 foods that can help make the aging process becomes slower.

- Cassava

Cassava is one source of vitamin A to smooth the coarse and dry skin texture.

- Garlic

Adding garlic to the food can help smooth the blood circulation. The effect of this is the glowing skin as exercised. In addition, garlic also contains antioxidant allicin which helps protect the body from harmful free radicals, such as those from pollution smoke.


This dark green vegetable is rich in vitamins A and C that can help repair skin damage.

- Salmon

Salmon is a food ingredient that contains omega-3 and is beneficial to brain health to the heart. Not only that, omega-3 can also help the skin to look fresh and hair look more sparkling.

- Kale

Kale, this vegetable is a source of carotenoids that are believed to prevent collagen degradation due to age.

In addition to suggesting consuming these ingredients, Melanie also recommends to reduce sugar and alcohol to slow aging. He himself always provides apples as a snack, because it can help increase the production of collagen in the skin.
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